Whenever your body is suffering from a health issue, it sends you some signals that something has gone wrong . You might feel some burning feeling in your stomach when suffering from acidity or getting feeling of cold due to the minor cold coming . You sometimes even ignore them as they are not of life- shattering importance .
BUT , when it comes to heart , listening to whatever you body says becomes very crucial as if you didn’t hear them out or misinterpret them , it could be deadly .
These, most of the people dying from heart attacks , die mainly due to unrecognized myocardial infarctions i.e. “silent” heart attacks . These silent heart attacks carry a very high risk of death .
These silent or unrecognised heart attacks count for about one-fourth of all heart attacks , thus making up a serious public health issue.
Fortunately , according to renowned cardiologist Dr. Chauncey Crandall , you can easily train yourself to listen to your own body’s signals when it comes to the state of your heart health.
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