Sunlight Prevent Prostate Cancer

Sunlight Prevent Prostate Cancer
Prostrate Cancer is a diseases that mostly affect men,It occur in the prostate gland in the male reproductive organ,it is cause by lack of vitamin D

According to rearch in Harvard University which found that low levels of vitamin D puts men at high risk of dying because prostate cancer, compared with those whose vitamin D levels are higher.

That's why, in countries the Scandinavian region such as Norway, Finland, and Sweden, cases of his prostate cancer include high. "Meanwhile, in southern Europe, such as France which more a lot sunlight, lower incidence of prostate cancer," explains Prof.Dr Rainy Umbas, PhD, SpU, urologic surgeon from Faculty of medicine-RSCM.
In the website of Harvard University explains that calcitriol, the active form of vitamin D which produced by the body, encouraging the cells to adapt well with body organs or kill themselves. Or cells that leads to cancer is normalized by vitamin D.

Calcitriol also limits blood supply to the tumor and reduce the spread of cancer. So the role of vitamin D in prostate cancer take place at the beginning stage cancer or end.

"So do not fear exposure to sunlight, do not need to be covered by umbrellas and so on," Prof suggestions. Umbas.


1 Respones to "Sunlight Prevent Prostate Cancer"

Anonymous said...

That's interesting! Me and my alternative treatments to cancer center appreciates this so much! Keep sharing. Have a wonderful day!

June 16, 2013 at 10:03 PM

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