have found that people fail not because they are financial break or the born to
fail, it is because they are not inform on how to set their goals. Life is like a journey,
for us to reach the end we need to set our Goals, so as to tell you where you
are going, how you are going to get there, and what you will do when you get there.
This article will help you a lot.
Goal Setting
Firstly we should know what is goal setting all about, it concept and
how to make a good goal setting
Wikipedia Goal setting is truly about deciding on something you want, pushing
you forward in life and feeling that joy and excitement of actually
accomplishing your goal. Setting a ton of goals, like me, will keep you forever
moving forward knowing that you want certain things out of life and you ARE
going to achieve them. Keep in mind that the hardest goals to obtain are also
the most uplifting and joyful goals.
Goals settings also create
visions of your future and help you to strive for it.
Having goals gives you and your efforts drive
and focus. They are what moves us forward in life. Without setting goals, you
would have no focus on where and want you want out of life. To put it bluntly,
you would be stuck where you are now with nothing to really show for your life.
Not to worry though, the first step in achieving your goal is to set your goal.
Goals that are deemed difficult to
achieve and specific tend to increase performance more than goals that are not.
A goal can become more specific through quantification or enumeration (should
be measurable), such as by demanding "...increase productivity by
50%," or by defining certain tasks that must be completed.
Setting goals affects outcomes in
four ways
- Choice: goals narrow attention and direct efforts to goal-relevant activities, and away from perceived undesirable and goal-irrelevant actions.
- Effort: goals can lead to more effort; for example, if one typically produces 4 widgets an hour, and has the goal of producing 6, one may work more intensely towards the goal than one would otherwise.
- Persistence: someone becomes more prone to work through setbacks if pursuing a goal.
- Cognition: goals can lead individuals to develop and change their behavior.
By setting a goal, no matter how big or small,
you enable yourself to have the motivation of looking forward to something that
you can accomplish, it's just out of your reach until you decide to take
action. Goals are what change the world and make things happen. People set
their eye on an idea and take that action to get where they need to be. Think
about it, Benjamin Franklin decided and set a goal that he would create
electricity. People might have thought he was crazy or doubted him but in the
end he drove for what he wanted and accomplished just that.
People all around the world set at least one
goal a day. Whether it's setting a goal to wake up on time, get laundry done,
finish a project or finish a book... No matter what the goal is, these people
are striving for what they want and ending with those exact results. People who
set and accomplish goals don't just say "Oh, I think I'll do this."
No, these people decide to do something and take the time to put their thoughts
to work, no question about it.
Goal setting is truly about deciding on
something you want, pushing you forward in life and feeling that joy and
excitement of actually accomplishing your goal. Setting a ton of goals, like
me, will keep you forever moving forward knowing that you want certain things
out of life and you ARE going to achieve them. Keep in mind that the hardest
goals to obtain are also the most uplifting and joyful goals.
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